
July 18, 2011



European tax-funded recruitment offices for labour in the capital Praia in Cape Verde (islands) in West Africa in 2009, and in Mali, West Africa also opened a similar office in October 2008. There is no real growth in Western Europe. But the Lisbon Treaty the EU has committed to purchase 50 million more non-western immigrants in addition to at least 50 million already funneled into. There are also tax-financed job-enlistning-offices at several locations in Eastern Europe to invite Eastern Europeans to Western Europe.

Source: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/78180/50million-invited-to-Europe

In Denmark non-Westerners consumed 30-35% of the total welfare in 2010, meant to replace the earned income and pensions, when you left work or missed work / you were excluded from labourforce after unemployment. The percentage has been calculated taking into account all tax payments along with irrefutable facts provided by the public, government’s Welfare Commission.

Sources: Welfare Commission 2005     Information about Denmark 2010

In Sweden  ‘foreign born’ consumed 60-75% of social expenditures in 2010. Taxes were not included in the calculations, but otherwise the rates are very much in line with shares in Denmark. If anyone with a foreign background were included it would have been considerably higher percentages. Two generations of ‘born in’ Sweden, but called Swedish, though they certainly have a foreign background.

Sources: Affes Blog    Central Statistical Bureau

In Norway, the immigrants consumed 60 billion nkr. of the welfare schemes at a little more future unemployment the Norwegian version of the Danish Employers’ Confederation claims. The same source claims there are nearly 300,000 immigrants in Norway. In Denmark, the officially number 1 January 2010 was 540,000 and 561,000 the first January 2011. In Denmark foreigners officially cost 20 billion ddk. yearly. Unemployment and exclusion from the labour market are much smaller in Norway compared to Denmark. So fewer immigrants with lower unemployment costs after the reported almost three times more per year in Norway. Source: Brochmann-utvalget

I wonder what’s going on? No, we know what is going on.

In Denmark, immigration actually costs more than 10 times more than the officially announced, namely 30-35% of all welfare expenditure in 2010 that was 752 billion ddk totally,  i.e. 225-263 billion ddk. What is it in just those circumstances that makes Denmark more solid than Greece, which first and foremost is ‘for sale’ on bonds somewhere (?), maybe along with Italy?

On 30 June 2011, we read Ralf Pittelkov report on the cause of Greek tragedy. First EU ‘responsibility back to Greece’s accession in 1981, then to Greece’s own risk. For this last particular: “… The responsibility lies, of course, especially in Greece itself. The economy is marked by a sweltering high and ultra inefficient public sector, widespread corruption, a grotesquely flawed tax system and a lousy productivity … ”

It is so typical Danish, not one bit better than the so-called senior economists in banks, each day give their views on the economy, including the euro and European integration. Only one way, and it goes just keep coming, and when the road then turns out to be a blind, and they even have overlooked the sign that signaled just that, then the opposite way, so it goes just keep coming. Indeed we must be in breath, the worst of us, but all along we kept nice and quiet, for all the world. Politicians would lose face.

If the thought has occurred to them that conditions what repair readiness concerns that Denmark has the world’s largest consumption relatively to production, in no way better, rather worse a few years to come. The agencies’ inefficiency is given the same, corruption takes many forms – it can show itself as unhealthy, excessive nepotism and lack of competition (in a small, easily manageable country) in the clearest – and the taxes and thus wages are the highest in the world. This is achieved no matter the remaining business productivity. Resources are a little lime, a little clay, a little salt, a little gas, a little oil … and for a short time even a little IQ.

Denmark 2-4 years more before it looks like Greece

We wrote something about the pyramids – maybe inverted pyramids:  http://danmark.wordpress.com/2011/07/14/hojt-pa-en-gren-en-krage-knald-eller-fald-fredag-eller-snarere-i-naeste-uge/

Ebbe Vig, Information about Denmark: They are trying to put Europe deserted for the parent Europeans, Arabs have to pay European States’ debt, and fill the area with immigrants from the Middle East and Africa. It all happens with agreements with hosts of other than of European populations. It can not be said to be wise. When it is not wise, then you can very easily get to the assessment that it is stupid. Evil is easier to adjust to, because you often can adapt to it. Stupidity is unpredictable concerning both decisions and actions.

This is confirmed by a German who uses Denmark as an example in a major review of the planned Eurabia. Already in 1980s, we were informed that Denmark is used as a pilot country. It was reported by a chat participant from one of the blessed savior of agencies on a strategy course: http://michael-mannheimer.info/about/comment-page-1/ # comment-1359

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