
November 30, 2006

The Background – From A Realistic Point Of View

Filed under: Demographics, Economic History, Economics, migration, Research, Welfare — jensn @ 10:22 pm

As I would like to see it:

The same ideological elite stirve for total control. In doing so it has to have a crowd of subjects by which they may explain their public doings.
As the tax-based welfare state grew in size they had to call for almost all the women to go to work too.
The main purpose of all this was taxpayments/tax-revenue and nothing else and by this a steadily growing public sector.
Then the women stopped giving birth to the second perhaps the third child, and with long educations they began to give birth for the first time – if they did – in much higher age.
The total result of taxation and draining too high wages from businesses as well made a lot of Danes unemployed. The high educated women seldom got more than one child if any child at all, and unemployed did not dare to give birth. Result: Too few children to replace the deads from 1981.
So from 1983 they began “to import” the problems from all over the world with a law of insane including a jurisdiction extended to the whole world.
Before the welfare state 2/3 of all Danes lived in their own houses on one income. Today they have the biggest problems to pay the rent for the family without two incomes.
For further development of the unlimited public need and unlimited public satisfaction – in the brains of ideologists.
Ideologists of all kinds are the same: They have a book telling them how the world should have been, and particulary how the human being should have been.
The book give them the way to transform the world and human being to fit into the theory written in the book.
The only problem every ideologists has is this: The world and the human beings are something else, much different from the prototypes of textbook.
This fact disturb the mind of the ideologist, and he/she concludes:
We just have to get rid of the wrong ones, then we will get the world we aimed for in our theoretical consciousness of which their whole lives depends.

Shortly spoken:
Theory simply has everything for the purpose, the goal (in the clouds from where you cannot see and hear the Earth)… everything but the one single thing that is needed.
(Freely after Soeren Kierkegaard)

Don’t ask for the judge, he will decide in end with the a little help from his unideological but still earthly small helpers.

The other judges were appointed by the idelogists anyway. So their jobs are those of marionets.

We have the total Danish welfare history in Danish too right from the beginning, nothing has been left to casualty:

Back to reality:

A new monetary system:

If you heart is filled use your brain


Please, tell us how you see the background and the reasons to what is happening, and I will bring your comment as an entry on this blog

November 29, 2006

A Book Of Atmost Importance

Filed under: crimes, Demographics, Islam, migration, Research, Statistics, Terrorism — jensn @ 8:13 pm

From Bruce Bawer’s site:

“A book of the utmost importance, full of deep concern for Europe and almost unbelievable revelations for most Americans.”
— Booklist

Europeans would do well to heed Mr. Bawer’s advice and open their eyes.”

— Abraham H. Foxman, National Director, Anti-Defamation League

http://www.brucebawer.com/ Book-title:

“While Europe Sleep – How Radical

Islam Destroy the West From Within”

He documents that the 40 p.c. of the muslims in Britain crave for sharia.
Order his book. You know for sure it will not be translated to any Nordic language like books on the most topical issue as well. Books cost 5-8 times less in Britain than in Denmark.

November 28, 2006

Europe and Western Europe

Filed under: Demographics, Islam, migration, perspectives, Research — jensn @ 11:04 am

Europe and Western Europe

By Fjordman 28-11-2006


“I keep hearing the claim that “Europe is lost to Islam,” but Islam is more vulnerable than it appears, and Europe is a big place consisting of many rather different countries. Still, although I hope most of Europe can be saved, I cannot discount the possibility that certain areas or nations in Western Europe will indeed be destroyed by the immigration we are witnessing now. Some natives from countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Britain and Sweden are already emigrating, but where are they leaving to? Most observers take it for granted that they will move to the United States, Canada and Australia, but these countries have Multicultural problems of their own, although not yet as severe as those in Europe. The most “European” countries of South America, for instance Chile, is another possibility, but one region is frequently overlooked: The formerly Communist countries of Eastern Europe…”

November 25, 2006

Does EU Attract the Capital?

From : http://www.finfacts.com/irelandbusinessnews/publish/article_10006611.shtml

“EU25 Foreign Direct Investment 2005; Ireland has disinvestment of €20bn, UK biggest FDI player
By Finfacts Team Jul 18, 2006, 11:10

In 2005, EU25 FDI1 (foreign direct investment) in extra-EU25 countries (outflows) increased by 19%, to €153 billion compared to €129 bn in 2004, while FDI into the EU25 from the rest of the world (inflows) increased by 23%, from €57 bn in 2004 to €70 bn in 2005.

These increases were strongly influenced by EU25 flows with North America. In 2005, the EU25 invested €26 bn in the USA and €9 bn in Canada, compared with €7 bn and €2 bn respectively in 2004. The USA invested €18 bn in the EU25 in 2005 and Canada €7 bn, compared with US investment of €15 bn and Canadian disinvestment of €3 bn in 2004. Excluding North America, EU25 investment in other extra-EU25 countries fell by 2% in 2005, while investments coming from the rest of the world excluding North America remained stable…”

Notice: Luxembourg and Holland compare with table on link represent big investment amounts, covered by financial Holding Companies that are foreigned with international bank connections in Luxembourg and Holland, but with small or no local activity in any member country.


November 22, 2006


Filed under: crimes, Demographics, Islam, Research, Terrorism — jensn @ 11:51 pm



In a direct challenge to free societies everywhere, a report from the UN-sponsored Alliance of Civilizations (an oxymoron if there ever was one) was released this week. What do the members of the “high level group” who drafted the report, such as former Iranian President Khatami, have to say about the needs of civilization? Khatami’s expertise on the subject presumably comes from his reign as president of the leading state sponsor of terrorism. His personal presidential experience, for instance, includes the pursuit of nuclear weapons, the biggest crackdown on the Iranian media since the Iranian revolution, and rounding up and imprisoning Jews on trumped-up charges of spying…”


November 21, 2006

Threats with Islamic roots

Filed under: Demographics, Islam, migration, perspectives, Terrorism — jensn @ 11:23 am

An excellent blog on threat with Islamic roots:


I found the videos on this blog very much to be recommended:

Ex-Muslims Speak Against The Hate

So refreshing to see more Arabs who recognize the errors of Islam and the Islamic culture. Americans need to hear what these people have to say and Arabs need to hear the ideas that these people have. I believe that if enough people speak out against the true nature of Islam the easier it will be to defeat Islam. The following are two great interviews. You cannot miss them




Jens Nielsen

November 18, 2006

Muslims are not counted

Filed under: Demographics, Islam, migration, perspectives, Research, Statistics — jensn @ 7:19 pm

The Muslims are not counted in any official record

in the Western countries, simply because it is forbidden to register religion. That is the reason why camp followers always refer to the number of muslims – then any serious debate closes as you can say and read what you want to on this issue.

A meaningful way:
You can talk about the number of non-Westeners from mostly Muslim dominated areas, and also get a concept of counting this that will function. But you have to add the number naturalized and their children to the number of foreign citizens reported in the official accounts.

And that for 6 very good reasons
In Denmark you have two different accounts from 1991 that cause very much confusion, totally consciously of course.

What Sweden concerns I would at the moment go to:
28 February 2005 and Christopher Caldwell:

“Sweden has suddenly become as heavily populated by minorities as any country in Europe. Of 9 million Swedes, roughly 1,080,000 are foreign-born. There are between 800,000 and 900,000 children of immigrants, between 60,000 and 100,000 illegal immigrants, and 40,000 more asylum-seekers awaiting clearance (about 22,2 pct. ultimo 2004) according to by Christopher Caldwell, who is a senior editor at The Weekly Standard…”

Most mentioned percentage concerning France: 10 p. c. that is far from reality. Please, multiply with a least 2 according to the problems with naturalized and their children.

What Europe concerns we read figures 15-16 million, we read 32.5 million (compare Yoni Fighel, der er terrorekspert ved det tværfaglige center i Herzlia i Israel, refered to in http://www.kristeligt-dagblad.dk/udland/artikel:aid=46832 ), and we read 50 mill. from obvious qualified writers (according to the German author Henryk M. Broder recently told the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant 12 October 2006). Why? Because of the problem I just mentioned.

Notice, the confusion is made fully consciously by the elites in the respective countries

Confirmed by : Jerusalem Post – a review of Bat Ye’ors

The Euro-Arab Axis:

“How is it that ten percent (mine: ???) of France is Muslim, 15% (mine: certainly far from the official percentage, but pretty close to those of mine) of Denmark is Muslim and close to half of the births in the next generation will be Muslim? Imperious mosques and lawless Muslim neighbour hoods dot the landscape of major European cities. And Spain willingly and meekly chose to acknowledge its Islamic past, and that pro-Arab opinion is rampant and anti-Israeli sentiment vitriolic…”

Dr. Mordechai Nisan who wrote the last part teaches Middle East Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the Rothberg International School. He is a Research Consultant for the Jerusalem Institute for Western Defence and a member of the Jerusalem Summit’s Academic Committee.

What Europe concerns: European Future – Interested

European fertility has to be corrected substantially too

Especially Germany (with the lowest fertility in the world among Germans)

Why lie about the number of immigrants in Holland, Sweden and Denmark:


(in Danish)

Sonia & Joern

November 16, 2006

Back to Reality

Back to Reality

Dansk version

Most of the European welfare systems are to a high degree built on tax-payments and public expenditures distributed over the lifetime. That’s the reason why they were heading for ruin from the beginning. In Denmark the non-Western immigrants cost the society, in the end the businesses, 2.5 mio. ddk an individual in average a lifetime, the Danes cost 750,000 ddk in average (the difference is a factor 3.3). These calculations origin directly from the Danish official Welfare Commission that was reported in the newspaper Boersen 1 December 2005.

Let the green oval illustrate the Danish public sector, and the blue the private, free trading sector in the figure below.

As matters stand in Denmark it is impossible to force the development from the upper to lower structural relation of sector sizes, because the public sector drains the possibilities of private sector too much to make innovation and expansion along with all the other costs. If we continues to demand a public sector of a size almost as the present in the long, there has to be a temporary reduction of the public sector.

There are no other possibilities and the international competition forces us to act today instead of tomorrow or we shall loose every public impact.

The red arrow shows the impossible or the ideological way. The black arrows shows the possible way. There is no other way. If the structures are not changed very soon in the two biggest European nations on the mainland, and even if international competition combined with the steadily increasing problem of financing welfare made by the increasing share of pensioners and at the same time the decreasing accession to the labour force plus the self-created miss of a solution to the problem with fertility – illustrated in the calculation on Danish relations in the first part – Europe will go bankruptcy again or become an Arab caliphate. ‘Eurabia’ is just an ideological construction in good distance to reality.
The more years the solution is postponed the bigger a collapse.

It is pure mathematic.


J. E. Vig, Denmark

November 15, 2006

We are Being Deceived with the Distribution of Criminal Acts – part 2

I Suppose the Truth has to be Told – or

perhaps rather not

– a retrospect of the two generation of welfare with respect to crimes and accounts of them, part 2

After new categories of counting were introduced in Denmark in 1991 – a small country with fewer inhabitants than Berlin or Paris – how did the Danish Ministry Justice then count the number of crimes in 2005 for 2004

The ministry of Justice made an account of criminal offences distributed between Danes and individuals with foreign origin. The account just includes the first generation of descendants with foreign origin. This is the fact when you look at the number of criminal acts, the offences of later generations are included in account of Danes. But much worse, the basic of population include just about half – probably less – of the group with foreign origin. This implies that the surplus criminality of immigrants is strongly overestimated.

Briefly explained: If few immigrants are here the spread of criminality seems much larger compared with the percentage of group of immigrants. That criminal acts done by later generations are counted as done by the Danes draws a bit in the other direction. Therefore the accounts of charges for 2004 cannot be of any use. This mess are fundamentally due to the registration based on the new concepts immigrants and descendants from 1991. Those concepts were/are not scientific reliable. The immigrants do not show a surplus criminalty of more than 5 times compare with Danes as the account shows, but rather 2-4 times depending of which offences of the Criminal Act you look at. It is correct that the surplus criminality is largest, when it comes to the crimes that give the hardest punishments.

Source: The unit of Investigation of Ministry of Justice: Charges 2004 distributed betweenbackground of immigration and countries of origin. http://www.jm.dk/image.asp?page=image&objno=73956

We recognize the most funny consequences of the official account via the information on for example TTV2 2005/10/02:

In the town Ringkoebing 46 Danes were charged, but 800 immigrants of 1000 individuals in the population. This implies a surplus criminality of 17.4 times. In another Danish town Assens 41 Danes and 400 immigrant of 1000 individuals in each population. This implies a surplus criminality of close to 10. It has to be underlined that the surplus criminality substantially origin from desendants of immigrants. In 2004 the surplus criminality among foreign youngones and children less than 18 years old in Copenhagen was 11.7 times, compare with http://danmark.wordpress.com/2006/06/24/indvandrerkriminaliteten-blandt-unge-vokser-voldsomt/ (in Danish)

Anyway it was maintained in the information from TTV2 that the surplus criminality of the foreigners was accounted totally to 5 in the Denmark all in all. If had been true – the investigation from the Ministry of Justice does not mention it – there has been manipulated with some part of the investigation that has been published. Several times it has been maintained that the account has to be corrected due to the difference in the distribution of ages among immigrants and descendants compared with the distribution of ages among Danes, even thought the Danish population has not not have any influence in this choice either. If we ignore these hypoteses, we have to ask: If the surplus criminality really is of the official reported size among immigrants, especially among their descendants, can the surplus criminality then be even 3 times higher in Ringkøbing, a little fishers town in the Western Jutland, and 2 times higher in Assens than in the country as a whole. We don’t believe it, and for at good reason.

We actually had a good reason to expected the quite opposite: the surplus criminality was substantially higher in the big towns and in the city of Copenhagen.

It’s poor nonsense, and it will not be corrected with the form of account they are planning use.

We could get the suspicion that you to get to 5 times had to admit that there is a great deal more immigrants present in Denmark than we were told by the media, and we could try to control in at defect system of even official accounts. A more correct System-Population-Account is what is needed. The Danish Minister of Justice and other can study this system on : http://www.lilliput-information.com/atda.html (in Danish)

Go to history behind in part 1


J. E. Vig, Denmark

Two Generations of Welfare in Denmark in respect to Crimes – part 1

Mental condition develop behavior,

including criminal behavior

– a retrospect of two generations of welfare, part 1

‘The temporal apostles of the repressive tolerance’, taught by the totalitarians of temper in Germany, France and USA, made their entry in the early 1960s.

When we looked 30 years back from 1991 – to the time before the welfare system was introduced the same temporal apostles of the repressive tolerance first aimed for Marxism later on for Internationalism that is the same. The difference is that they got the liberal and conservative votes to join the ism too. Their leaders joined already in 1968

The criminality and police resources in Denmark with 5.2 mill. inhabitants in 1991 (4.6 mill in 1960), of which 1/3 lived in towns with more than 10,000 inhabitants.

The official accounts cannot be meaningfully continued (after 1991), because trustworthy descriptions of the criminality divided between nationalities have been lost in Denmark.

The number of notified violations of criminal law has more than doubled from 1960 to 1990, and in the period 1980-1990 they increased by 35 p.c. to 550,000 notified violations in average a year.

Earlier about 30 p.c. of such violations were solved, in 1991 about one out of five (20 p.c.) ended up with a solution. In 1960 the Police and Prosecution had 7,375 employees, in 1991 the number was 14,500, including 10,200 policemen. It is extremely inefficient if resources do not lack.

The long arm of the law :

In 1962 they had a policeman on the Police Station in Svendborg on Fuen. The youngsters called him ‘Lemmy’ – a figure from an English very popular detective film. They connected that policeofficer a little with figure from the film.

There was some points of resemblance. Eric could confirm that, when he had to admit that he has smashed some windows in the Railway Station of Svendborg in order to make an impression on some young girls.

Today they flee from their country, nearly as fast as the immigration from Islamic countries to new Danish citizenships.

‘Lemmy’ did not let the young first-time-violators run. He caught them, and took them to a not very nice night in the detention. The only thing the youngster did not like by ‘Lemmy’ was that he always was present, when wrong things happened. Otherwise they liked him. Eric found out that it did paid off to make troubles, and he should not go farther on the road of the offences and the criminal actions.

The development in the more dangerous criminality:

Intentional violence and bodily harm occurred in number of a few hundreds in 1960, from 1991 6,400 a year were suspected. About every half year the number of such cases increases with 50 p.c. Cases of narcotics were all most unknown in 1960, in 1991 more than 1,700 cases were tried by police of criminality and by the Prosecution in one year.

The most cases of crimes are about larceny, larceny for the purpose of limited use and housebreaking (totally 430,000). The number of larcenies and house-breakings have increased all most five times in the period 1960-1990.

The number of robberies increased in the period from about 300 a year to nearly 10 times 300. Just in the 1980s the number of robberies more than doubled.

Cases about fortune, money including taxes blocks for cases about assaults, narcotics, bodily harm, larceny and housebreaking. 112,000 cases of violation of the criminal law in 1989, there were 538,300 notified violations, 1,918 prosecution withdraws and 21,659 cases where prosecution was left undone.

The official explanation to criminality:

About the reasons for and the effects of the way things have been developing as described here, the elite of power, criminologists, pedagogues, journalists, sociologists, psychologists, evaluators and other can tell a great deal, and they have the possibility to do so, whenever they want to.

It is always something ‘about an investigation that shows…’, the one more defected or unscientific and poor design than the other

In the Danish newspaper Politiken 23rd July 1989 you could read a reporting from Institute of Criminology. Interior migration from rural to urban districts, differences in the economies of people, and an asserted increased willingness to report criminal acts are stated as reasons to the explosive development in the accounted criminality. In the beginning of the 1980s it was the unemployment that should be guilty, in 1989 the unemployment effects in contrary is so disciplining on so many young people that they instead are concentrating themselves to live healthy and rationally, you could read in the same feature article in Politiken. In 1990 you begin to read in the newspapers, and see on TV that large proportions of the violations of the criminal law are not reported caused by reprisals from the criminals, who all most every time is led free after ended examination.

Yes, you have to hear and see a lot before you loose your senses, especially your sense of humour.

In 1960 people talked to each other in the buses, and carrier cyclists whistled the tune of the day, when they hurried through Copenhagen. From 1975 it was the practice in school-classes that the children shouted and screamed, while the teacher tried to find something they felt like listen to. From 1980 kindergartens rushed up into the buses, and overturned old people. In 1988 less than 200 street-mischief makers could terrorize whole quarters of Copenhagen, while a frightened crowd of policemen just looked at what was happening, afraid of being the persecuted in the media that represents Upper-Denmark least by good most by evil.

In 1991 the forces of ‘the Possesseds’ and of 600 vicars were united to neglect the law and the rights in Denmark. A church occupation in Copenhagen. From that church they made via the media a new Special-Law for some of their friends from the Middle East. Our parliament had to accept, perhaps because they were/are servants, not real rulers.

Who have the real power? The Government or International Red Cross. Or perhaps we have to go higher.

Many despaired individuals asked like this, when I traveled around and told facts in the period 1990-1992.

In 1996 350,000-500,000 immigrants (7-10 p.c.) had settled in Denmark. They are called refugees, even though they have paid 3 year’s wage to come here on false papers and UNCHR maintain that 19 of 20 did fled from war or persecution. They occupied 30 p.c. of the worst cells in the prisons, and they are prosecuted 3-5 times as often than the Danes compare with percentage, when you look at the gross and most infamous criminal acts following the official Danish statistics.

In the description of the criminality it is important to give the possibility of comparison in relation to the foundation of the population, and to their charges for each head category of criminal acts divided between Danish and foreigners.

Without such possibilities (from 1992) the accounts have no meaning anymore.

An example of the consequences of the false arrangement:

With the official foundation of population the analysis of the Commissioner of Police in the years 1993 and 1994 implied among many other things the following conclusion:

4.5 p.c. of shop-larcenies in Denmark were done by Danish citizens. 11.4 p.c. were done by foreign citizens, 84.1 p.c. of the larcenies were done by asylum-applicants. Notice that last percent. Notice that it is 84.1 p.c. of all shop- larcenies in the country, if the charges have been made. Here I trust the Commissioner of the police. This criminality is the consequence of the official information, and this criminality have be made by 10.3 p.c. of all the asylum- applicants, as they are called in the analysis. An in addition the 84.1 p.c. of all shop-larce- nies were only 65.2 p.c. of all the violations of these asylum-applicants.

This was simply false. It was a wild exaggeration to maintain that asylum-applicants were 18-19 times more criminal than the Danish citizens by this criminal act. But this is the consequence of the official information.

General it is difficult with lies. If there officially should be very few asylum-applicants in the country, and charges have been made against some of them, then they have to be very criminal. If there on the other hand are more asylum-applicants, then the registered criminality are divided between this larger number, and then they are not so criminal.

[As a racist you would not have focused on those aspects, I guess. The state did not.]

This critical analysis, of which a single element was brought to light here, was mailed to the Folketinget (the Danish parliament). There were no useful reactions.

Now the reader perhaps understand, why the accounts of the criminality were not published for three years until 1993.

In the beginning of my investigation including I asked the authorities some questions. These questions are listed in the following. The answers I received were not useful, not as information but they were very fine documentation. Bureaucratic flight from the responsibility. I told the public this, and I tell it here too. The reply from the authorities have not been translated to English. The original answer in Danish has just been copied according to its worth

Questions to the responsible authorities about the results of the present reading: [the investigation of criminality 1993 and 1994 made by the Commissioner of Police]

1. In the period 1980-1994 58,048 have received the Danish citizenship by naturalizations. 72 p.c. or 41,783 concern immigrants from outside Western Europe and North America.

Will the account of criminality on this foundation be arranged in such a way that it can be seen, if the charges concern naturalized?

2. Question 1 actualizes even more of the fact that young women which are children of natura- lized, in these years begin to bear children which in spite of their language, culture, and of the father officially can be indicated officially as Danish.

3. The number of ‘asylum-seekers’ is included in the investigation of the Commissioner of Police for the years 1993 and 1994. The number in this category is indicated for the two years to respectively about 21,000 and 20,442.

It has been shown in this analysis that these figures cannot include all refugees including those in integration programs in 1993 and 1994.

When there do not exist official accounts of refugees referring to fixed dates of the year, I want to be informed a little more precisely on which basis the number of refugees as a part of the population in the statistic analysis has been selected? When the accounts of the number in the analysis automatically lead to an systematic overestimated criminality of the refugees, do the authorities then plan to correct the accounting-fault so that the account of the population of Denmark will be in good order hence-forward?

4. Will an initiative be taken to make one description for each category or head-category of criminal acts – and not for a total number of different actions for a part of the population?

5. When the official period ‘News from Criminal Care’ in the numbers 5,6 and 7 1994 informed that the proportion of the imprisoned foreigners in Danish prisons in these years was 10-12 p.c., and interior sources in the prison administration informed that the proportion in those of the prisons where the strongest punished are imprisoned, was 28-32 p.c., does this large divergence attribute to a large deviation in the proportions in the single institutions? Or must this divergence also be seen as a fault in accounting. The 28-32 p.c. matches precisely our estimated frequencies in the more strong criminality among foreigners?

6. If the investigation of the criminality caused by faults in population-basis and/or in the individual choice of category does not fulfill the scientific claims about adequance and unequivocability, will it be corrected then so that it shows a correct picture of the criminality in Denmark including the proportions of foreigners and of Danes in their country?

The Minister of Justice, The Minister of Interior Affairs, their predecessors, and some of their civil servants in the Directory of Foreigners and the Department of Interior Affairs incur a serious responsibility for their misinformation by distorted descriptions of the criminality in Denmark for example in the years 1993 and 1994.

In 1991 new kinds of categories were introduced to be use to count the foreigners in Denmark. We protested at once because the new concepts were neither in order according the scientific claims on adequance, unequivocability nor functionality.

Did we get any results in a period of the latest 15 year? Or what did consequences of the public mistakes look like 15 years later. In August 2005 the Ministry of Justice published at an investigation on crimes distributed betweens immigrants, descendants and Danish.

To be continued in part 2


November 11, 2006

Eurabia – Europe’s Future?

Filed under: Demographics, migration, perspectives, Statistics, Welfare — jensn @ 7:06 pm


“Europe is undergoing two profound changes. The first is the weakening of Christianity. The second is demographic decline. Presently, across Europe, there are only two-thirds the number of children born necessary to sustain the population. The consequent drop in population has mostly been made good by immigration of Muslims. The fast-growing Muslim population is generally not integrated into the host societies nor politically acculturated to its norms. To the contrary, radical Islamic movements are gaining in strength among these émigré populations. In addition, European governments, especially the French, have developed foreign policies aimed at winning the favor of Middle Eastern regimes…”

lilliput-information comments: Etnic fertility in Europe (1-1.2 child a woman) is half of what it needed to secure stable populations. The reason is to found in the ideological Welfare-system invented by the elite for the elite. The 15-18 p.c. immigrants from muslim dominated areas (inclusive naturalized and their children) have a fertility of about 3.5 resulting in a total fertility of about 1.5 in all the EU member states. The problem is that the immigrants consume 40 p.c. of welfare resources, as they claim welfare more than 3 times as often than Europeans compared with the percentage of individuals in Denmark, compare the Danish Welfare Commission, November 2005.

Sources: www.globalenvision.org/library/8/874 and http://epp.eurostat.cec.eu.int/cache/ITY_OFFPUB/KS-AF-05-001/EN/KS-AF-05-001-EN.PDF page 16

J. E. Vig, Denmark, http://Danmark.Wordpress.com

November 10, 2006

Causal-interpretation almost left

Causal-interpretation almost left

The big jump in the economic and political science of society happens at the transition from the phase, where you can or can not explain and foresee the behavior of the human being to the managed influence on behavior, watching and control. The corresponding model of the explanation and forecasting of the human being suites the underlying so-called empirism later on positivism, which model-apparatus uses the model of causal-interpretation that needs the past to explain the presence and the future. The experience, the past and also the cause are not acknowledged, and this is perhaps quite legitimately to maintain, when models show themselves not to apply to the outside world, even if you have made an effort with all possible interpretations, especially those in symbols of mathematical language. And it is of special interest, when we for a moment concentrate our thinking a little on just another circle of subjects – which has not been discussed much anywhere else in this critical light:

Environment, ecology, stratosphere, menaces to the globe, effects on health, influence of individual behavior in this connection and the correlation including the influence of businesses on the surroundings and the commissioner’s influence of behavior on the producer. Taken in a random order, which is the custom in this subjects.

In the treatment of these subjects it is fully correct to show “coherence including causality” between this and that. This is often done by using the so-called statistical, quantitative methods. They use phenomenons that can be described using figures. I can assure the reader that two of the used methods, Regression and the Chi-test among others have been used many times to obtain the wanted coherence or the wanted causality from the model. Statistical method of analysis, behind the most ‘so-called investigations’, which is shown to the reader very often on TV as a report, an examination or the like. They all show that something-must-be-done or problem-reaction-solution. The methods are very fine mathematics, but when you use them, it is very easy to 1. Interpret the problem wrong, 2. To choose a nonsense-coherence or, 3. To select the wrong method, 4. To use the methods wrong, 5. Interpret the results from the model wrong, 6. To make a wrong conclusion on the basis of the results of model and transmit these results to be results of the real world. Finally you can give the material to an unsuspecting, but “very understanding” journalist at a powerful medium. As you perhaps might understand, there are several possibilities and especially a lot of impossibilities.One of these is (read 1. above):

Because two phenomenons appear at the same time, there does not have to light a clear and imperative coherence between them. If for example the number of couples of storks in Denmark in the summer time has increased from 12 to 25 couples in the last two years, this is not a sure indicator of a so-called boom of babies among the Danes. “Babies are coming with the stork”, small Danish children were told earlier. In the beginning of the 1990s the Danish authorities informed about a boom of Danish babies, although the Danish did not seem to give birth to more children. The number of babies beared by foreigners or their children could be 20,000-25,000 a year – you can not see how many – out of a birth-number of totally about 70.000 a year. It should be mentioned in this connection that the Danish made – and still do – between 17. 000 and 19.000 abortions a year in the beginning of the 1990s. On these stratetic subjects, the fear of the unknown, of the distant, of the unchallenged till now, for the unexamined, where refined methods of measuring often effect the observation, very much can be shown and very much can not be refused – on the other hand to prove is something else. There are plenty of current phenomenons, plenty to undertake. Environment, illness, health and the contributions in these connections. And then the career.The environment-ecology-consciousness (do not read knowledge) is already profound and solid incorporated in marketing, pedagogy…everything. The paradox and dilemma of the prevention – the claimed effect appear in the long run, and it is difficult to reject the effect of prevention a priori – will surely be used the with most explosive effects in the mind of the individuals of the masses. In order to control them. It is interesting that the cause very easy can be used here, even though equivalence, unambiguity, func-tionality, really are serious scientific problems, which often are overlooked, even though these problems are rather determining.You have to understand: The end justifies the means – especially for many ambiguities ones among the ‘The Jesuits of the Time’ for the salvation of the world.This was just a little disgression, but not without importance. A total statement about this theme ought to have a reading of its own. If the fourth power or wave (after or at the same time as the third power) should not be found exactly around these new so-called “scientific-like causal-shows”, I should wonder a great deal. The witchcraft at least can contribute to Something-Have-To-Be-Done-Effect, which precisely matches Hegel’s Tese-Antitese-Syntese planning-model.It might happen at the same time that essential facts are totally overlooked – the cause can be used, when needed to reach the politically correct effects.

Skjern Aa-project: Some Danes remember the Skjern Aa – project with the Company Moors ad an adviserThe chairman of the plot owners of Skjern Aa (a minor Danish river) had asked the Danish King some years ealier, if he would like to see the project.

The King answered: No, you destroy the nature, good man.

Erik Lund wrote the critical book ”The Power of the advising Company of Moors – the report of the outrage on Skjern Aa” (ISBN 87-87951-53-3). They tried to imprison Erik Lund.The project was totally failed, and the river has now been lead back to its old, natural course (at a price of ½ billion ddk). The project was not more expensive all in all, poorly economically.

This price is about the daily costs of quite another project – immigrants’ stay in Denmark.

Water invironment-plan:

An another example from Denmark is The Water Environment Plan. Price 17 bill. ddk. Several facts were completely overlooked in spite of the fact that you could have learnt in Holland, and could have learnt a little more inorganic chemistry too. This was shown in Jyllands-Posten by our famous patriot from World War II Flemming Juncker.

From causal-models the transition first went towards the philosophical society-thinkers. They describe, interpret and seek understanding. With this starting point causal-models are getting insufficient, because the personality can not objectively analyzed. This has been shown already by the philosopher Emanuel Kant.

The theory of behavior is powerful, generally also in the Danish (economic) HD-education, and first-rate men lead the arrangement, the lectures, the problems, the seminars and the examination. One of these Professor Flemming Hansen wrote publicly – under the third wave – November 21st 1989 and November 6th 1992 that 15 millions ought to live in Denmark. Of these 15 millions – we have near 5,4 millions inhabitants for the moment on our 43,850 square-kilometers – only half of them need to be individuals which have been born in Denmark. The number of professors of this kind is increasing all the time. Let me quess, the fourth wave is the environment used in a political correct way on the minds of the first-rate men and women.


November 6, 2006

Back to Reality after the War

Euro comes to an end. A compulsory monetary unit without a nation is a contradiction. You could almost say against the natural laws:http://danmark.wordpress.com/2006/06/02/when-the-pound-and-nordic-krones-shall-be-abolished/

Perhaps 2015 or 2020 after the war the new responsible elites have to secure their nations again. We have to come out with a solution of a dilemma: http://danmark.wordpress.com/2006/06/05/usa-arabien-eu-i-dilemma/

Then a new international monetary system will come, built on real currency rates – you could say an economic globalization. Then the nation decide for itself, if it wants to rule or it still are attracted to deficits. A new monetary system: http://danmark.wordpress.com/2006/05/19/new-monetary-system/

6 November 2006

J. E. Vig

November 4, 2006

Six Good Reasons To Count The Immigrants In Europe Correctly

Filed under: crimes, Education, migration, perspectives, Research, Statistics, Terrorism, Welfare — jensn @ 9:05 pm


Information of Denmark collects and forwards politically incorrect information. The menthal-robots don’t want to know it, because the truth disturb the cyberspace or scrap that the power-brokers feed them with daily

Six Good Reasons

– why all the most foreign immigrants and their descendants have to be counted:

Before 1970 Denmark had almost no foreign immigrants.

Officially 337.243 foreigners[1] and their descendants included the ones with a Danish citizenship or about 6 p. c. of the population stayed in Denmark 1 January 2006. Associated professor Hans Oluf Hansen Copenhagen University reported in the newspaper Berlingske Tidende 20 August 2005 that the original Danes would become a minority before the end of this century, if it continues[2].

As on the other hand the official Danish projection of population was presented in the newspaper Jyllands-Posten 29 August 1999 (refered to in JP 21 August 2005[3]), and it showed 13.7 p.c. immigrants and descendants totally in the year 2020, professor P. C. Matthiessen who commented the figures, was almost attacked via the media.

The account is even in a worse way:

Information of Denmark reports: There were already more than 690,000 most foreign foreigners, naturalized and their children 1. January 2006 corresponding to more than 13 p.c., and Danes will for certain become a minority between 2035 and 2045, if it continues: http://www.lilliput-information.com/uscan.html (corrected official status in English) and http://www.lilliput-information.com/edu/index.html (realistic projection in Danish)

To be able to prove the magnitude of the project might help us to be able to tell where we are, and it might perhaps also tell us how quickly we move towards a rather doubtful future. But was it meant to be(?) When we look at what happens in the community, it seems beyond doubt that the so-called activities of integration do not have much effect, at least definitely not the official expected effect.

Recently Danish authorities had to admit this:

Second and third generation of immigrants and their descendants even commit a larger share of the criminal acts relatively to their share of population than their parents – even when this account has been corrected from the defective official account of population that paradoxically overestimate the criminality among immigrants. 82 p.c. of the crimes among youngster less than 18 years in Copenhagen (2004) were commited by foreigners[5]. And the group of immigrants in those ages amounted 28 p.c. of all in those ages in Copenhagen, compare Denmarks’s Statistics matr. BEF3 mentioned with figures in http://www.lilliput-information.com/domv.html (in Danish).

Second and third generation gave birth to 10 p.c. more children a woman in average than their parents did, accounted in a period of six years in Copenhagen, compare with the manager of the bureau of statistics Claus Woll, the newspaper Soendagsavisen 25 January 2004.

Second and third generation have a weaker connection to the labourmarket than their parents[6]

The number of immigrant from the mentioned areas is the only number of visitors that always increases – in periods an exponential increase – for the whole 26 years period from 1979.

The immigrants from less developed countries load the Danish public sector three times more than the Danes in average – according to the latest reports from the public established Commission of Welfare, supplemented with a few quotations from the same: “…the immigration from less developed countries to Denmark laod the public finances substantially. The participation in working is low – especially the women. Among those on the labour market the unemployment is high – among other things because a lot of them do not the qualification to get a job at a lowest wages of the market…” “…Immmigrants from less developed countries receive more from the public fonds than they contribute via taxes. The reason is that they have low career participation and as a rule do not leave the country again before they get old. They receive 2.6 mio. dkr. more in a lifetime than they contribute to the public sector…”

The word integration has been used as a magic formula for 25 years precisely like the remark “Sesam-Sesam open up” in the 1001 Nights’ fairytale. In the fairytale it works, and that is just the way of the Postmodernist – free in the air floating.

The brief account of the number:

– from the number births to the number of foreign immigrants

Three most essential reasons of the low number of births among Western women:

1. In average the first child is born when the mother is about 28 years or more – this mean it become more difficult to get more children thereafter.

2. 15-20 p.c. of the women in the age of 40 in the Western countries has no children – this figure has increased substantially

3. Abortions have increased to an amount of more than 15,000 of a birth cohort of 68,000-70,000 in Denmark, compare DR-texttv 20 Mars 2006.

Point 2 is characteristic for European unemployed or expelled women from the labour market (20-25 p.c.) who do not dare to give birth to children. The same pattern was retrieved, and is clearly found today in the old Eastbloc.

The number of births has been reported in more details on:

http://www.lilliput-information.com/fertt.html – in the world) (in Danish)

http://www.lilliput-information.com/ferteu.html – in Europe (in English)

http://www.lilliput-information.com/fertty.html – in Germany (in Danish)

http://www.lilliput-information.com/fertfr.html – from number of children to the percentage of foreign immigrants (in Danish)

There is just one reason why population in Denmark has increased for the last 26 years: The steady increased influx of immigrants and their births. The Danes just give birth to half of what is needed to secure a stable Danish population, when the deaths has been subtracted.

In 1979 5.117.000 lived in Denmark. 1 January 2006 the population amounted 5.427.459. It looks as if the difference must be a little more than 317,000. The number of Danes has decreased (very characteristic) since 1968, when the average number of births a woman got lower than 2.1. The 317,000 is less than half of the story that we proved in quite another too (read below).

Since 1979 Folketinget (the Danish parliament) has given Danish citizenship to 189,910 individuals since 1979, compare Danmark’s Statistics Statisticbank, and the children that the naturalized have born after they got the letter from Folketinget is being accounted as if they are Danes. 1 January 2006 the result is that more than 690,000 with most foreign origin in Denmark from areas outside Western Europe, North America, Israel, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. It has been proved using another method on: http://www.lilliput-information.com/uscan.html

I.e. there were 4,737,459 (5,427,459 –690,000) Danes and Westerners (of which about 74,000 other Westerners) in Denmark, and this corresponds to the decrease in the number of children among Westerners, as this has been recognized in the whole Western world. A decreased of about 3.0 – 3.5 per mille a year all over Europe. This results in 4,732,488 for the 26 years period[7]. There was 99,796 foreign citizens in Denmark in 1980 (compare table 31 in Statistical Yearbook 1987 from Danmark’s Statistics), of which about 47.880 were foreigners from the areas subjects to this reading. This number has more than doubled in the 26 years period.

Granted Danish citizenships before 1979 has not included, and the Danish women (as mentioned) gave birth to too few children already from the famous year 1968, so the difference is even bigger.

A total going through and prove (by use of quite another method) of the true development for last 26 years has been given on: http://www.lilliput-information.com/uscan.html . As for the immigration from Turkey and Pakistan for the last 26 years read:


Changing political leaders in Denmark and all over Europe perhaps were worried of their fellow countrymen to die out caused by too few births, and as an nearby result to get lower and lower tax-payments. They got an idea, a splendid idea accompanied with the leading figures of the world:

The population surplus of some islamic contries

Years 1998/2050 (in millions)

Compare: UN World Population Prospects, 1998 revision:

Iran: 64 mio./115 mio.

Tyrkey: 65 mio./101 mio.

Egypt: 66 mio./115 mio.

Bangladesh: 123 mio./212 mio.

Pakistan: 142 mio./345 mio.


The result remains the same, and the end-result is reached even quicker – about double as quickly.

The deciding for the political, so-called professional leaders with their eyes to number one: “It shall not happen before we have gone”.

But here we to prepare them for joyful truth that the political effect on stability, and what is worse shall begin long before the Danes have become a minority in their country about 35 to 45 years from now (27 Mars 2006), and obviously longer before the Danes have died out …does it not look like this already?

Recomment this file


4 November 2006

M. Sc. (Economics) Joern E. Vig, Denmark

 http://www.berlingske.dk/grid/viden/artikel:aid=616170 (in Danish)

http://www.jp.dk/arkiv:aid=3213638:ssid=404746 (in Danish)

In this account all later generations of descendants than the first have got the predicate Danish.

http://nyhederne.tv2.dk/article.php?id=1700989 (in Danish)

Documentation of 18 October 2005:

”The Sons of the Immigrants do not get Work”

By Martin H. Damsgaard and Christian Friis Hansen

http://epaper.jp.dk/18-10-2005/demo/JP_04-01.html (in Danish)

“..Sons of immigrants supply the workforce to a still smaller degree on market of labour in the town Aarhus. According to the chairman of the Thinktank for Integration of the government Erik Bonnerup, Aarhus have to take action as quickly as possible. It is a substantial problem that might load the economy of the town seriously, and you ought improve the situation as quickly as possible…”

Immigrants on the German and Danish labor market, Rockwool Foundation (another so-called Thinktank), October 2004:

”…Germany has had an decreasing trend in the employment for non-Western immigrants since the midd 1980s, and this is a development that can traced back to the beginning of the 1970s. This development has its parallel in Denmark, where the employment frequency decreased markedly form 1985 to 1994. Even though the employment has increased afterwards not least caused by the economic boom, the employment among non-Western immigrants has never reached its earlier level.

Founded on sequence-data from Denmark we can conclude that much of the explanation to the decreasing trend of employment is that the new non-Western immigrants who has arrived in Denmark after the 1970s, have had a much weaker connection to the labour market from earliest beginning until 1999 every year’s of the newcomers have in this way had a lower career participation than the ones from the year before…”

[7] 5.117.000*(1-0,003)^26 = 4.732.488

November 3, 2006

Out of Africa

Filed under: crimes, perspectives, Research, Statistics, Welfare — jensn @ 10:26 pm

 A short extraction: 

Each year, more than 240,000 illegal African immigrants are entering Europe. Behind these huge operations of migrant trafficking are powerful criminal African and North African organizations which bribe the police, customs officials and other local officials as well as government ministers. Each illegal immigant has to pay up to 3000 Euros to the trafficking organizations. These mafia organizations receive some 300 million dollars (237 million Euros) annually for their clandestine services (bribing of officials, document forgery, etc.), according to a recent United Nations report (July 2006). Many of these organizations are run by Nigerians, the report says.[1] Nigeria is one of the most corrupt countries in Africa. The trafficking organizations offer complete packages. Sub-Saharan Africans first travel to Senegal, Mali and Niger from where they are transported accross the Sahara. The Nigerian traffickers cooperate with criminal organizations in North Africa. They also built strong networks in Europe. In southern Spain, for example, there are operational networks consisting of Moroccans, Algerians en Mauritanians. The networks are also very efficient in “shipping” thousands of Africans to the Canary Islands, putting them in large canoes or wooden boats (”cayucos”) and providing GPS (Global Positioning System for navigation)…….”

Read the whole article:  http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=vermaat82906.htm


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